The current design of the new stairs follows the academy's original design with modern amenities. It will look like the original, but a heating pad will help to keep it ice-free when completed. The stairs will include rock facing placed on the concrete steps which have been built by Jeff Call, of Preston, for Bailey Construction out of Logan, Utah. Additional funding is currently being sought to have the rock laid on this new concrete stair foundation.
Furthermore, Bailey Construction is contracting with Randy Meek to upgrade and repair a leak in a portion of the academy's roof. As funding comes in, the entire roof will be upgraded, said board members of the Oneida Stake Academy Foundation. Donations to the restoration of the 119-year-old Oneida Stake Academy are tax-deductible and may be made to the Oneida Stake Academy Foundation, P.O. Box 555, Preston, Idaho 83263.
When completed, the academy will serve the community as an elegant, historical community center, available to the public for events such as receptions, reunions, conferences and performances of the arts. It will also house a museum of its own and local history, and function as an information center for the Pioneer Scenic Byway, which runs from Franklin, Idaho, through Preston, and into Freedom, Wyoming. For more information, see www.oneidastakeacademy.com.
Cement is pumped to the forms.
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